A casino is a place where gambling takes place. It may also offer food and drinks, as well as stage shows and other entertainment. Historically, casinos have been a place where the wealthy come to gamble and socialize with other elites. Today, many of them have expanded into megacasinos that are a major attraction for tourists and locals alike. These casinos typically feature impressive size and decor, as well as a mindblowing number of games.

Most casinos have security that patrols the premises and responds to calls for assistance or reports of suspicious or definite criminal activity. Modern casinos often have elaborate surveillance systems that use closed circuit television, known as the eye in the sky, to monitor everything that happens on and around the tables and slot machines. Security staff also keep watch over the casino’s patrons and can adjust the cameras to zoom in on suspicious individuals.

Most casinos also offer comps, or complimentary goods and services, to their most frequent and valuable patrons. These include free or discounted meals, drinks, hotel rooms, and show tickets. Comps are used to build a database of players that can be used for marketing purposes. In addition, they encourage players to return to the casino and build their bankrolls. Unlike in the past, when mafia control was a common feature of many casinos, mob involvement is now rare. This is due to federal crackdowns and the risk of losing a casino license at even the slightest hint of mob involvement.