Casino is an entertainment centre that offers games of chance, along with food and drinks. The term casino originally referred to a public house where gambling took place, but the modern casinos are primarily located in resorts. These casinos feature a wide variety of gaming options, such as slot machines, video poker, and table games. They also have several bars, restaurants and theatres.

Gambling in all its forms has been a part of human society for millennia, with evidence of dice play dating back to 2300 BC, card games by 500 AD, and baccarat by the 1400s. The popularity of casino games in the twentieth century has increased due to the availability of new technology, and the growth of international travel and tourism.

While most people think of the word casino in terms of Las Vegas, it is found all over the world. Most countries have laws that regulate the casino industry, and some have a single national regulatory body.

The primary source of income for a casino is its house edge, which is calculated from the expected return to the player on his or her bets (assuming perfect knowledge of the game and no advantage-taking strategies). In games where the casino does not have a house edge, it makes money through a commission on bets placed by players.

To attract and keep gamblers, most casinos offer a range of perks known as comps. These include free meals, hotel rooms, and show tickets, as well as discounted or free slot play. In addition, many casinos have club cards that patrons can swipe prior to playing a machine, which allows the casino to track spending patterns and offer rewards.